Friday, July 17, 2009

r12 Oracle E-Business Suite: Update Yourself

r12 Oracle E-Business Suite: Update Yourself

Almost every consultant these days is worried about the:
  • Budget cuts in Information Technology
  • Economic Conditions
  • Supply-Demand in Job Market
  • Technology Trends
  • Learning Curve

These factors are forcing consultants to be more proactive and stay updated on new technologies/Releases. Though the points which I am going to list will hold good for any subject, I have E-Business Suite Release 12 in my mind when I am writing for this post.

Few ways to get information:

Formal Training:

If your time and budget permits opt for formal training from Oracle University, there are online courses available. You have other options just Google.

Oracle Resources:

Release Content Documents: Oracle provides release content documents which are referred as RCDs, these documents lists new and obsolete functionality. Basically it is a delta document and a good starting point to get into new release.
User Guides & Technical Reference Material: If you want to dig deep into the subject you always have user guides from oracle, but it may be too early for you to go into them. At this time you are trying to get feel of new release, concentrate on the overview and big picture.
Metalink (My Oracle Support): If you have access to Metalink just search with proper keywords, you should get good clues if not direct answer. For known issues you will get good solutions.

Online Resources:

Blogs: Blogs are very resourceful; some consultants are taking time to put together what they have learned and posting online. This trend is increasing which is a positive development. Mantra: Share, Share, Share….
Networking: Join the professional groups and follow them. When ever you have questions post them no matter how small it is. Small question can trigger bigger discussion. Know what’s happening with everybody, it also helps you to benchmark yourself with others.
RSS Feeds: Some sites provide the RSS feeds subscribe to RSS feeds, there are many good RSS readers available, which can complete the job for you.
Favorites: Save the good links as your favorites, saves lot of time in search.
Discussion Forums: Ask questions, answer questions.

User groups:

Membership: Take membership of professional user groups and attend the meetings and webcasts.
Online Professional Groups: Register with online professional user groups, you can get good whitepapers and presentations.

Spend time and research for yourself, rigorously test the application.

Discuss with friends, colleagues:
Discuss your issues with friends and participate in your friends issues, it helps you to get more exposure.

Know your Learning Curve & Scope:
So many modules and so many features, best way to start is choose your area say Financials Suite. Search online, for example training institutes provide the compiled list of course content with list of topics module wise. Take print out and use them.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

r12 Cash Management:Internal Bank Account Transfers - Accounting using SLA

r12 Cash Management: Internal Bank Account Transfers - Accounting using SLA

In release 11 there is no standard/out of box solution to transfer cash between internal bank accounts in Cash Management Module, users need to use Treasury module or resort to work arounds or manual GL Journals. In Release 12 Bank Account transfer functionaly is introduced in Cash Management though advanced funds transfer capabilities are still available from Treasury only.

Current post is mainly focused on "Accounting" for such Bank Transfers in Cash Management, so i skipped the detailed discussion on the new functionality; infact focus on the modifications we need to make in Sub Ledger Application Accounting Definitions (AAD) for accounting for Bank Transfers.

Bank Transfers with "Settle Transactions Through Oracle Payments= 'NO'"

Intended Functionality :
#1 : There are no Journal Line Defintiions seeded for Event Types:
a. Bank Account Transfer Created
b. Bank Account Transfer Cancelled

#2 : The BAT creation event is unaccountable, unless it's customized by the customer, hence no accounting is done.

So if you want to create accounting for Bank Account Transfers you need to create custom Journal line defintions and assign the same to respective event types listed above; alsoenable "Create Accounting" Option. Without this customization to SLA, records for Bank Account Transfers will be populated into CE_PAYMENT_TRANSACTIONS and XLA_EVENTS but no journals are created when we run Create Accoutning Program.

Once you make changes:
a. Make sure correct Sub-Ledger accounting method is assigned to Ledger
b. Application Accounting definitions are validated without any errors

Ref Metalink Notes: